Tuesday, March 2, 2010

We've adopted

Dave and I have adopted our first baby, and we are so happy. And shocked. And nervous. And thrilled. Thank you for all of your love, support, and prayers.

Dave, Jessica, and I Tuesday, Mar 2, the day she was released from the hospital.

I am so sleepy right now; it's been an exciting day, and I have awaken in the middle of the night for several nights now. (My body is just practicing I guess.) So I'll try to get some details out--if I sound boring, it's because I'm tired. And this blog looks terrible because it's my first. We forgot our camera cable, so tonight the only pictures are cell phone pictures of camera pictures. She is sleeping right now in her ocean-themed pack and play in our hotel room in Birmingham.

She was discharged from the University of Alabama Medical Center in Birmingham, AL today (March 2, 2010) at 5 pm. She was born Sunday, Feb 28, 2010 about 4:45 pm Central time. We were called by the birthmother's parents that morning about 8:45 am Eastern time, and we were on the road by 11 am to make the 11 hour trip. (Dave got out of PEC, a sacrament meeting talk, and a major church planning meeting. I was in the shower when the call came.) We were just over the Georgia border (mile marker 71 on highway 75) when we heard her crying over the phone. I turned to Dave and said "Congratulations, you're the father of a baby girl." and he teared up and said "I need to get me a shotgun."

She was 7 lbs. 5 oz., 19 inches, blue eyes, light tan maybe reddish hair, and very healthy. And of course, beautiful. The mother named her Oakley Kaitlynn, which we will probably change later to Jessica Kaitlynn. We signed the placement papers Monday night, and Tuesday the mother released her to the hospital, the hospital released her to us.

(For those interested, under Alabama law she and the birthfather can change their minds over the next 5 days. We have to stay in the state of Alabama for roughly about a week while the Interstate Compact is signed allowing us to take her into Florida. Finalization will be in an Alabama court in about 60 days, after which we can give her a baby blessing and have her sealed to our family for time and all eternity in the Orlando temple.)

We love our birthmom, who is easy-going, writes funny long emails, and is a lot like us (homebody, a little shy, reads, likes cats). She and her husband are both 22, and were not ready to be parents. Our birthmom said she picked us because we were one state away (the perfect distance) and had a cat. Her husband is a funny guy, likes computers, martial arts movies, and can breakdance like nobody's business (so we've heard). She is dark haired and slender, and he's tall, thin and red-headed. They have made simple requests which we are too happy to do, like make sure she tries new foods (is that me to a 't' or what?) and study martial arts. (This is going to be fun.)

The birthmom was raised as a Mormon, but stopped attending church around age 12. We're glad she called LDS family services about adoption when she was 6 months pregnant. She has been a "golden" birthmother from the day she emailed us (January 30) and very steady. We plan on telling our daughter all about them and the time we've spent with them. But we will not be giving out any other details out of respect for their privacy. So don't ask.

The birthgrandparents (her parents & stepparents) are all active in members of our church. They encouraged their daughter a lot, and get all our love for their support of her and their courage to trust us with their grandchild. They have been warm and we will keep in contact with all of them as long as they wish. We love you all.

I already love her more than my own life. We can't wait for her to grow up so we can she who she what she is like. And so she stops spitting up. More tomorrow.


  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!! (that's as big of a font that I could make, otherwise it would be WAY BIGGER!!!) So So So happy for both of you! My heart is just so full!!!

  2. That is so exciting, she looks just perfect. Can't wait to meet her.

  3. I am soooo thrilled for you guys! Congratulations! We can hardly wait to meet her. :-)

  4. We can't wait to see her. Post lots of pictures of her everyday!

  5. I am so happy for you guys!!! You are going to be the best mom and dad ever!!

  6. Best News Ever!!! And a girl!!!! Woo Hoo!!!

  7. I am going shopping tomorrow!!!!

  8. Matt and I are so excited for you guys! We can't wait to meet her :)

  9. We are so HAPPY for you! I cried and cried reading this. I was just thinking about you guys yesterday as I was holding my baby girl and wishing that you could get a little one too. And here she is! Congrats! Girls are so much fun, and yes Dave will need to get himself a shotgun. :) Enjoy her!

  10. We are so happy for you. Many prayers have said that this day might come. We've also prayed much for the birthfamily. They seem like special people. If allowed it would be nice to meet them some day. sincerely, Mom and Dad Eyring

  11. Congratulations!!! I am so happy. That is wonderful!! I can't wait to see more pictures and especially to see you holding your baby at the next family reunion.

  12. Congratulations!!! I cannot even believe after all these years of waiting and prayig how fast it ended up happening - January 30th she contacts you and then boom! a month later you have a baby. I wish pregnancy was like that. haha.

    But seriously, I am SO SO SO happy that you get to experience motherhood (and dave, fatherhood). I have cried many a times thinking about you guys, no joke. It just broke my heart that you wanted to have a baby so badly and were unable...and what a blessing to finally have a baby in your arms! So excited for you, Liz. You will be a great mom. A fun mom. A smart mom. A funny mom. And I know you will love it! there is nothing else like being a mother. It's A-mazing. Hard sometimes...but always A-mazing.


  13. That is so exciting! I can't wait to see more pictures!

  14. Hooray! I'm so happy for you guys!

  15. Hopefully you had a great first night with your daughter!!! You guys are going to make great parents! I hope this week goes quickly so you can get home with your little girl! There's no place like home! I am thrilled for all of you! That sounds awesome "YOUR" little girl!!! Congratulations again Mommy and Daddy!!! Can't wait to see you when you return, and meet your Daughter!!!

  16. I am so glad I stumbled upon this blog through Becca's blog!! CONGRATULATIONS!! I am SO thrilled for you two!-- you will both be wonderful parents!! There is nothing in this world like being a mom and dad. love you!

  17. We were so happy with the phone call last night, Dave. And we are so happy for the three of you. We'll be so glad to see her in a few months at the Robertson family reunion. Lots and lots of love from Your Grandma and Grandpa in Millville (Glen and Margene Stringham)

  18. I'm so happy for you all. Girls are so fun, but be prepared to go broke! There are so many cute girl clothes and stuff. Can't wait to meet Baby Jessica. Congratulations :)

  19. Liz, I am so thrilled! I'm glad that you were tired when you wrote this - if it had been any more touching, I'd be a basket case. My eyes are filled with tears. You & David are going to be such wonderful parents and no two people deserve this beautiful baby girl more than you! Just Awesome! With all your trials and now here comes that blessing that Heavenly Father always provides.
    Much Love,
    ggma Sheila
