Wednesday, March 3, 2010

First full day as parents wasn't as hard as the first night...

We had a low-key day. Birth mother was recovering, Dave had a slight fever and slept a lot, and the baby slept like a . . . well, baby. Dave worked on his laptop and read, and I tidied up and talked on the phone. Our hotel provides hot breakfast and lunch, so we took it easy today didn't even leave the place. Alabama is cold anyway.

Last night was harder. All evening we kept checking on all her noises and wiggles. Dave and I watched her in shifts to feed her and hold her when she protested. Despite our swaddling efforts, she liked to play Houdini and wiggle out, then cry and flail. (I wrapped her up in more clothing today, and she stayed wrapped and warm and slept better.) We did figure out not to feed her as much as the hospital says is "normal" yet, so she wouldn't spit up everything she was fed. It's like feeding a little bird. It's still so weird to think there's a girl in our lives, and we're not babysitting.

The social worker is getting our paperwork in order, and we're meeting the Alabama lawyer this week to apply for finalization. We should be here another 5 days - 8 days. By-the-by, Dave and I have always wanted to have a BIG PARTY to celebrate the end of a painful lonely part of our lives, and you are ALL INVITED. Plan on coming to an open house in a few weeks when she's bigger, and we'll hand out chocolate bars, instead of cigars, and you can all give us advice.

Here are a few pictures.

Here she is 4 days old smiling about something. Today she was wrapped in yellow and I called her the little banana:

We ran outside the extended stay hotel for a quick, chilly self-portrait in the evening.

And here she is with the fluffiest, prettiest afghan I've ever squeezed, made by her birth grandmother.


  1. day down 6570 more to go! LOL!!! Kidding aside, I am SO happy for you both! And she looks like she belongs right where she is, in her loving momma's arms!

  2. You guys are going to do great....I can't wait to meet her one day! Kayley was happy for you guys when I told her about it, a little confused but happy that you get to be a mom and dad.

  3. Your post brings back so many memories of the intensely wonderful first days we had Aerie. She HATED to be swaddled, and would fight her way out every time. We finally just gave up on that.

    You both look so happy, and your girl is just beautiful. I can't wait for the big party!

  4. Wow! Wow. WOW!!! I am SO excited for you, Liz and Dave! Congratulations!

    Enjoy your time in Alabama and I hope you are able to bring your little girl home, soon. And good luck getting a little sleep, as well.

  5. I love that you have a little baby girl! She is so cute! Oh and my babies always wiggled out of the swaddles until I found the "swaddleme" made by kiddopotamus. Works like a charm. I ordered mine online, but they are also at Target and Babies R Us. Take care guys. You are great!

  6. Hey Liz, it's Consuelo, let me just say that I'm so happy for you! I believe this is the most beautiful of miracles I have ever seen come to be. I am so glad that your prayers and my prayers for you have been answered! May there be more bundles of joy to be had in your future.

  7. You know James is still proud of the fact that the hospital nurses were highly impressed by his swaddling skills. He may agree to give you lessons. Enjoy those sleepless nights--she's just making sure you never forget who's in charge. What a cutie!

  8. This is so, so wonderful! I love the picture of the three of you...beautiful! Every time I read anything about your story, I tear up immediately! What a loving Father in Heaven we have to bless you with such a precious little spirit, and her with such deserving, loving parents! (P.S. - my baby is 5 months old and I'm *still* up at 2:58 in the a.m....hope baby Jessica hops aboard the sleeping train more quickly than Savannah!)

  9. Congratulations a million times over! What a beautiful little girl.
    If you are still struggling with swaddling- I'll share my secret. :) If you sew, you can go to the fabric store and buy 44 inches of flannel (that will make it square) then you can either just turn under the edges and stitch on top or you can make it double layered. (let me know if you need more specific directions) Anyway, this size and the flannel material are PERFECT for swaddling. It won't stretch, so they can't wiggle out, and there's enough fabric to really wrap them up. I'm very particular about how my kids are swaddled because it makes them so happy. Good luck with that!

  10. Oh...I love her little smile. I think I'm a little baby hungry now..better warn Dan. :-) I'm so sad we won't get to celebrate her arrival with you guys but we'll be there in spirit (eat an extra chocolate bar for us)!
