Jessica, like many of her young friends, is enamored with cats. I see from her photos and videos as a baby, we only encouraged that love by owning such a soft, friendly, pretty, entertaining animal like our Smokey.
Jessica sure is a bald, cooing, adorable six-month-old chunk of baby goodness as she feels kitty kisses and grabs his tail.
And here, at ten months old, Jessica laughs like a maniac at Smokey trying to swipe a toy.
If Jessica's attention gets to be too much, Smokey hides, boxes her, or gives her a warning nibble to stop her from smothering him. Sometimes she acts like she's learned her lesson, sometimes she just asks for it. (Here, Jessica is using Smokey's favorite sleeping chair to watch cartoons, so I'm pleased they're sharing.)
That's where stuffed kitties come in: they can take all the toddler love and never complain. Like 'Alice', a mechanical kitty Jessica got when she was 2 months shy of her second birthday:
Just last Thanksgiving at Dave's parents house in Houston, she discovered 'Baby Kitty'. She carried it around so much, Grandma Robertson gifted it to us. I named him Jellybeans, after his nose and his plastic bean stuffing. She was three months from her third birthday. On the way home we entertained ourselves by photographing Baby Kitty in funny poses.
Baby kitty was her newest favorite stuffed friend.
Jessica's birth mom Tegan crocheted this kitty, named 'New Year's Kitty', 'Daddy Kitty' or 'Snowball'. Tegan has a soft spot for felines, too, so Jessica was doomed through nature and nurture to be partial.
For her birthday Grandma Eyring gave her 'Alby' (left), which she renamed 'Twilight' after a friend's cat, who is the grandpa in the kitty family. She spent her gift money from her Robertson great grandparents on 'Sparkly Kitty' aka 'Crazy Eyes' aka 'Mama Kitty'. We gave her the vet kit to care for all her growing menagerie.
So for her third birthday, what else could we do, except throw her a kitty party? I burned a whole CD of cat songs I entitled "Kitty Ditties" for her, which she loves to listen to, the most popular numbers being "Cat Flushing a Toilet", "Smiley Cat", "Meow Meow Ringtone", and "Kitty in a Basket".
Her newest hobby is using my camera to take pictures of her cats, at her desk, sleeping in her bed, and
apparently, showing solidarity in sickness and health. Jessica woke up with a sore neck one day, and spent 3 days watching a lot of movies and drinking cherry-flavored pain-killer. One time I found she had put little fuzzy hairbands around the necks of her plastic kitties, so they could match. Silly, silly kitty-crazed girl!