Sunday, September 19, 2010


People tell me Jessica looks a little like me. I don't know what you're talking about.

Even people who know she's adopted say it's the eyes; the nose; the round head that look similar. Well, the birthmother picked us out before even she knew what Jessica would look like. I'm pretty sure her decision was based more on personality, where we lived, and our cat.

Just to prove looks have nothing to do with it, I've lined up pictures of me as a baby (left) with Jessica's recent shots (right). See for yourself:

See? Nothing alike! I mean, lots of babies have round cheeks, thin brown hair, and blue eyes. She could look like a lot of people.

We may adopt more children who look nothing like us. What's important is that they feel that in our family, they have a place in the world.

Still think Jessica and I look alike? Well, maybe a little . . .


  1. OH MY!! I never really thought she looked like you UNTIL NOW!!! How adorable!! Tonight when I was putting Logan to bed I told her she had to go right to sleep because Jessica was coming over. She started jumping up and down clapping and chanting "Eh-i-ca! Eh-i-ca!"

  2. How sweet is that! Obviously, we don't care what she looks like, but that resemblance is tender :)

  3. Definitely! Cute! And she's getting so big!

  4. The resemblance is definitely there. It is unbelievable how many pictures you have where you look a alike in looks and poses. She is really adorable and she is getting so big.

  5. That's a pretty amazing lineup. She is suuuuuuch a cutie! We miss her! Oh, and you and Dave too.

  6. The birth mother may not have known but God always knows. Don't think she chose you cuz of your personality... she was meant to be yours.
    Meg barahona
