Thursday, September 16, 2010

Jessica Lately

I apologize for the big gaps between posts. We traveled a lot this summer, and are looking forward to a lot of time at home for the rest of the year. I have so many things I want to do, and there are so many pictures it's intimidating to tackle.

Jessica turned six months on Aug 28, 2010. She is bigger than 97% or more of her peers for height, weight, and head circumference. And on Sept 14, with a runny nose and a smile, her first tooth appeared. I was at the church with some other women, setting up for sewing night (for our Nativity pageant in December). I stopped to feed her some squash & oatmeal for lunch, and I saw she had a little tooth peeking out of her lower gum, and another about to come up next to it, and I flipped out! She runs her tongue over it, and of course, chews on everything.

It's hard to see her tooth in this picture, but it's the best of about 50 pictures.

Jessica is getting much better about sitting up. And she still loves baths.

Most evenings, Dave still pops her in the umbrella stroller for a walk . She tans nicely. This night though he took her swimming.

After working 40 extra hours last month, Dave took Friday off before Labor Day weekend. He was so excited to play with Jessica in the water, he forgot about the cell phone in his pocket. Oops. Good thing it was old. We were in too good a mood with a 4-day weekend in front of us it didn't "dampen" our spirits. And we actually caught this moment of brilliance on camera:

I'm just as glad his brain got a rest--he works so hard. Below is a non-swimming visit to the beach a month ago.
Jessica stares at us when we eat. She and Smokey are good beggars. Dave wants to feed her everything, and I spoil the party. "No toast; it has butter on it." "No box rice; too much salt." I'm fairly certain he slips her a lot of food when I'm not looking. She can hold her own bottle, and gnaw on biter biscuits, but she can't pick up Cheerios yet. That's another milestone I'm looking forward to.

Dave is excited for college football season. He insisted getting both BYU and Univ. of Texas longhorn baby clothes, which I'm sure will get good mileage with future kids. I asked him, "In 2011 when BYU & UT play each other, will you be rooting for the Lord's school or worshipping the golden calf?" We laughed. We like watching sports--we enjoyed watching the US Tennis Open this weekend.

She still gets called the Gerber baby once a week, and her fat cheeks and thighs attract lots of attention, with reassurances it will come off as she grows. I love dressing her. Thanks to all those who donated to this cause: after 10 years of waiting, clothing and caring for this little doll makes me terribly happy. And when she's cranky, I'm terribly happy I've got a husband who loves her too.

This is by far her girliest outfit, and although I got some good smiley pictures, I want to include some realism. "Darn prickly grass! Church was fun, but I need a nap! Pick me up now!" "Gladly child. I want a nap too, and it's too hot outside to take pictures."

And she is getting AROUND. She rolls and reaches and rolls some more. When she cries, I know it's time to rescue her because she's scooted backwards, away from her toys, and underneath the furniture where she can't roll over. She is so wiggly she needs a toy to distract her during diaper changes, and loves rough-housing and happy screaming. When I push her in the shopping cart, she can raspberry so well she sprays me with spit, even at arm's length. I'm bad because I encourage it; it is funny.

She likes it when I play with her ears or sing her favorite songs. She likes other people and loves little kids. She opens her mouth like she's singing opera when we she sees a spoon full of food. She loves paper, fuzzy and noisy toys, books, and especially our kitty. She gets the giggles when she sees herself in the mirror or dogs, which always gives her hiccups. What a goon.

I had a happy realization a few days ago when I saw her on her stomach, reaching for something higher than her head. It was a precursor to pulling herself up on furniture, then walking. I've seen her figure out lots of things, and reach all these milestones, and it culminated in this thought: "This girl can learn. She is going to grow up and have a happy, normal childhood, and life." I figured that before, but now I am just really happy for her.

What a good kid. That's all for today.


  1. Jessica, you are beautiful. I wish the extra baggage on my thighs was cute like yours is!

    Liz, you are a babe. It makes me so happy to hear about Jessica.

    Dave, you rock. You guys are awesome parents!

  2. Yay! I was so excited to see that you had updated, Liz. Oh my, she is a cute little chub! You are going to love yourself for recording all these thoughts about Jessica. She is SQUISHABLE.

    "Dampen" our spirits--ha!

  3. She is SOOOO cute!!! Your posts always make me so happy and I love seeing pictures and videos of her. :)

    I know you don't know what your plans for Christmas are and I know you don't want to go anywhere anymore...but if you ask me, you should definitely come to Texas! I would love to see you guys again!

  4. I love the movie with Jessica and Smokey :) Thanks for posting! So sad we live so far away from you all- now especially because we can't hug and squeeze Miss Jessica!

    Hopefully we'll get in to a medical school a little closer- We applied in TX, LA, and FL!!! (amongst other places)

  5. yes, what a good, sweet, beautiful kid! Even though I see her a couple of times a week, I still LOVE the updates!!

  6. So glad you are getting to be a mother and enjoy all of the fun and fussy baby things. Love those thighs. They are adorable!

  7. Babies are so wonderful. I just can't get enough of watching them learn. 6-12 months has always been my favorite age cause they learn and grow soooo much! You can literally see their little gears spinning away making new connections and figuring things out. LOVE it! I'm so happy for you guys!

  8. Julie, Isabelle and I watched your videos together. Isabelle was enchanted with Jessica!! She laughed and giggled right along with Jessica! It was sooo adorable!!!!
