Friday, May 21, 2010
For Time and All Eternity
We will post something here when we get more details.
Baby Milestones
- watching us while we make her bottle
- pull her legs up when we change her diaper, or just for fun
- smiling at people
- cooing a lot more, more vowels and "talking"
- holding her own hands
- holding her hands or arm in her mouth and licking it (she still can't keep a pacifier in)
- kicking hard, and straigtening her legs to "stand" (finally! the doctor called her lack of standing "lazy" 2 appointments in a row)
- licking everything
- reading the warning label on her car seat
- rolling to her left side, or from her side to her back
- starting the night sleeping one way and waking up sleeping another
- sleeping from 7pm to 7am
- she's getting so fat she's losing the crease in the middle of her forearm
- she's grown out of her newborn clothes, dresses, and socks
- I think her hair is longer, but her head is bigger, so it looks the same
- holding a rattle and shaking it a while before dropping it
Thursday, May 20, 2010
April Activities
Dave and I took Jessica to the newly opened area of Riverside Park for a walk one Saturday. It was a nice walk, (although I was a paranoid new parent, and was watching for alligators and running through emergency scenarios in my mind.)
I'm standing next to a huge "treehouse" banyan in the park. Two kids were playing in the middle of all the trunks. We are sooooo impatient for Jessica to grow up so we can play with her in places like these!
We saw several wild turkeys walking around a chimney leftover from Florida pioneer days. I guess there are several old cabin sites in the park.
Dave turned 33 in April. He loves being a dad; although he says he wants her to be 2 now, you should hear him play with her in the tub.
Ilana was my Division 7 tennis partner most of the year, and together we were undefeated. Dave and Jessica came to watch us play the PGA team as substitutes on the Division 5 team. We won that game, and secured enough points to guarantee first place for the team. Ilana is from Isreal, and she had a great Hebrew accent and a fun personality, but she liked to win too which was a good match for me.
Below is part of our Lake Park Division 7 team at our home court next to the Intercoastal waterway. I'm in back, third from the left. On my left is our co-captain Dorothy Alva, whom I owe for persuaded me to start playing tennis 2 years ago. Our tireless and wordy coach Itamar always has his teams place, and he's got his arms around our lovable co-captin Gabby.
And there's all the stuff we do to keep Jessica entertained at home. She likes water, but swimming right before bed made her pretty cranky. All she liked doing was licking my shoulder. Her baby fat body floats like a bouy!
Dave bathes Jessica, which I do most every evening, because it entertains her for 15 minutes, it keeps her from getting baby acne on her cheeks, and because we don't have 6 other kids to mind.
Jessica helps me surf and blog and send emails, but for very short times.
Jessica & "friends" hanging out at the end of April, when she was 2 months old. I put her in the same position at the end of May, and she need lots more animals and music to keep her occupied, and pushes so hard with her legs her head was hanging over the front of the rocker.
Mother's Day
Thinking of 5 mothers that week: my maternal grandmother, who gave me my drive to organize and taught me how to sew quilts. She made a beautiful Precious Moments Noah's Ark quilt with rainbow borders and perfect corners.
My mother-in-law, who is the antithesis of nasty stereotypes for spouse's mothers. She also sewed a darling beach baby quilt for Jessica.
My own mother, whose self-sacrifice I was priveledged to watch as I grew up. She crocheted lace edges on a blanket and several brightly colored burp cloths.
And of course I thought of the wonderful mother of this little girl, who courageous went through a lot of emotions and puking and hastle to bring this wonderful creature into the world. Wherever she is and whatever she is doing, I love that mother.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Baby's First Game
Jessica taught me her first game: she loves it when I played with her lips. Like Dave's mom told us: they learn from their head down.
Sleeping Like a Baby
At first she needed feeding every 3 hours, except in the evenings when she was fussy & scarfed more. At one month old, Jessica dropped her 5 am feeding. During her second month, she starting sleeping through from 7pm to 2am, her only night feeding, and sleeping again until 7am. Dave took that middle-of-the-night feeding on the weekends, and I took it during the week.
But at 8 weeks old, I was sick of it. I announced to Dave one morning, "We're waking Jessica up at 10pm from now on, feeding her, and hoping she shifts her 8 hours to the same as us." She did, and except for a few ounces at 10pm, (which we are slowly weaning her from), and a few random awakenings, she now sleeps 12 hours at night. The evening is ours after 7pm. Yay for us!
It's taken some juggling and debating to get to this point. We had to find the balance between "gentle" formula, which gives her gas, and soy formula, which gives her diaper rash. And in the evening she demands extra food and extra attention to keep her awake until bedtime: we take turns entertaining her starting around 4pm. Then Dave takes her for a walk at 6, and I bath her at 6:30; then bottle & bed. (We're enjoying it now, but I'm sure she'll get sick or start teething and it will all go out the window.)