Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Second Fourth

It's hard to believe it's been a year since we took Jessica to last year's church 4th of July potluck.

I think the highlight of my Independence Day was a story told by a Hungarian immigrant in church the day before. (Picture a full-figured lady with bright clothes, matching hat, bright red lipstick, speaking perfect but always accented English.) She said she taught college in Hungary, where all of her colleagues were members of the Communist party. Only the older people went to church in the evenings, when they weren't likely to be seen. She resisted taking her employer's Sabbatical trip to America, thinking "Why should I go to a country just to see their wealth?" But she went. She was surprised to see a church on every corner in New York City, and people worshiping openly. She concluded "That is why America is so rich. This is God's country. His people love Him, and He has blessed them." She said she went to every church, and eventually joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. That story made me smile.

Our fourth of July was sponsored in part by Old Navy, Craiglists.com, (for the $5 baby bike seat), Grandma Robertson for the envelope of patriotic decorations, and the Bishop & teen girls for the pancake fundraiser at the church. On the Fourth of July, we took Jessica on her first bike ride. In her words: "Wow! Wooo" and 5 minutes into ride: "all done."

The breakfast was just cold pancakes and fake orange juice, talking, chasing balls, a token picture in the bounce house, and playing in the ice bucket.

The most memorable part was when the 15-foot high inflatable waterslide fell over, with 15 kids in the top. Luckily there weren't any broken necks--just an ankle and some bruises.

Then it started raining. We didn't beat it home, and got soaked. Which Jessica loved: "Wet!" Dave added to her fun by playing in the puddles with her.

The rained damped my spirits, since I like getting out of the house for holidays. We looked around the house, and all we could see to do was work. I didn't even cook anything red, white and blue; Dave just cooked burgers on the stove. We took naps and watched TV: "How the States Got Their Shapes" on the History Channel, a CNBC show about everything being made in China, and a CNN special about naturalization ceremonies for new citizens.

We wandered around the city's 4th of July celebration when the rain let up.


We watched a few neighborhood fireworks, put Jessica to bed, and watched Disney's "Secretariat", which moved Dave especially. 

It was a quiet day. I thought of all the Robertsons having their usual loud and crowded patriotic weekend. Dave said he wanted to shoot small fireworks for Jessica. Memorial Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, and now July 4th without family or close friends to play games with. I played Angry Birds for the first time, and we ate we-appreciate-your-work-in-Primary microwave popcorn while I passed 60 levels and Dave watched.

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