Monday, March 28, 2011

Taking a Stand

Jessica is steady as a rock with her hand on something. But she sits down immediately if she lets go.  And if we're holding her hands, she wobbles all over.

Yesterday at church I stood her up, made her hold her own hands (like clapping), & she balanced for 2 seconds. We did it again at the adoption picnic yesterday, and she stood for 20 seconds! Dave had time to snap this cell phone pic. Everyone was clapping & cheering & I saw her eyes light up with "Oh, this is a cool trick. And I'm getting attention." She did it a few more times. One day short of her 13 month birthday. Walking here we come!

I also taught her how to lick the window when it was raining, & she "drank" her toast bits out of her breakfast bowl. Mighty progress indeed!

1 comment:

  1. I love it when you post more frequently.

    Also, you should try to teach her to walk how my dad learned--with a jump rope. He thought it was holding him up if my Grandma was holding the other end.
