Friday, November 5, 2010

Jessica's First Halloween

Well, every year I run my Halloween costume ideas by Dave, and we liked this one that takes advantage of Jessica's bald pate:

Hahahahaha! She can be the fairy princess when she's older and can pick. I'm a big Charlie Brown fan. Dave bought me the holiday DVD set (Great Pumpkin, Thanksgiving, Christmas). 

It was a fun theme. Dave's dark Snoopy ears don't show up well in these pictures. He helped me bobby pin my hair up to look like Lucy.

We kinda wanted to dress up as Peanuts characters dressed in their Halloween costumes, but it's hard to find a red hat and that green witch mask, a green WWII flying ace helmet, and Jessica doesn't know how to say "I got a rock."

We went to our church family Halloween party & Trunk-Or-Treat, and the PAL (adoption support group) kid party. Jessica liked watching the kids, and was good to stay up past her bedtime until 8:30pm, when she crashed both nights. 

Jessica, for Halloween, has been working on her new "evil laugh": a nasally, fast, sheep-baa-ing, forced low snicker. It makes everyone else laugh, and is impossible to catch on tape. You can hear a milder "mostly evil laugh" version in this clip:

My friend Meghan (left) and Halloween party chair (Padme) Josselyn. Josselyn and her crew did the most amazing Halloween decorations, complete with giant gym-sized spider web on the ceiling, tons of contests, and fake organs floating in glowing liquids. Amazing!

For trunk or treat I made the back of my PT Cruiser into a monster mouth. I used 4 black garbage bags, covered the headrests with fake eyes, and cut jaggedy teeth from poster board. And the best part: I threaded a rope through the hole of the trunk cover (top of the mouth) so you lift the jaw up and down. I played Jaws on the stereo and used a power converter to plug in lights in the candy cauldron.

While I was sweating in the Florida heat (it was Oct 29) decorating my car, Jessica had her first sucker: a strawberry Dum Dum. It only took one lick for her to figure out what a sucker is for.

The kids under age 5 had to be persuaded to put their arm in for candy. I thought I'd have to sit in the car all evening and work the mouth, but half of the kids wanted to operate it. Drew, also one of my piano students, threw out menacing monster phrases; my favorite was "You KNOW you WAHHNT some CAHHNNDY!"

Our video clips are dark and not very long, but gives you an idea.

(And Jon: We have video evidence who benefitted from your kids' trick-or-treating . . . )


  1. So cute! I love the monster mouth!

  2. Liz, you guys are so much fun! I love the Charlie Brown idea--totally going to copy (and give you credit!).
